The rain gods seems to be following us!

2019 November 22

Created by Siobhan 4 years ago
The weather forecast changed, changed and changed again.  We had decided to go ahead on the strength of a slightly more favourable forecast and then made the decision to shorten the walk.  This worked well for me as I don't know Bath well enough to easily find access to the canal. Bathampton, however, I know well as it was my escape route to get to Bristol without struggling through Bath. There is a large parking area by the canal but the signs are clear - no stay longer than 3 hours.  Could we make it to Limpley Stoke, back to the pub and have some lunch in that time? We went for it! Only once we started along the canal did we spot the mostly empty spaces on the side street! Not as many bridges on this stretch and the canal was much wider so the canal boats we passed were often double width or wider - very different from the ones we saw on the Monmouth and Brecon Canal! We saw a full family of swans - very curious cygnets were coming over to investigate. We were trying to keep the dogs from doing the same! We made good time and the view from the aqueduct at Dundas Wharf was excellent. Of the three, I most resembled a drowned rat as I haven't figured out how to put a waterproof cover on the helmet! Time to store the bike for a few months until it warms up a little and dries more than a little!